Music - Ministry. . . .and Money!
by Rev. James E. Crigger 

      Many people have heard it said that “money is the root of all evil”.  This is incorrect!  The actual scripture is in I Timothy 6:10.  It says “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil”.  The difference being the emphasis you place on money in your life.
Money is a tool: in life, and in ministry.  Any tool is only as good as the person using it.


Money is a tool. Use it wisely!


   You may have witnessed ministers who seem to always be asking for offerings, as if pleading.  God’s people do not have to beg.  Remember in Psalm 37:25 “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread”.
   It also says in the same chapter of Psalm that we should not worry when evildoers prosper.  God blesses that which God wishes to bless.  He blesses faith.  Worry about money or anything is not faith.  There are enough scriptures about worry that show us, worry is not of God.
   We are in a “money” society, but God’s word says to come apart and be a seperate people.  If we behave the same as the rest of the world, especially financially, what does the world have to look at and say: “God is blessing his people”!




It is understandable as to how we reach that point of worry!  We know that a ministry needs money to do what God wants us to do.  When money is low, desperation can cause us to worry and begin to “beg” for the people to help us.

   It is understandable as to how we reach that point of worry!  We know that a ministry needs money to do what God wants us to do.  When money is low, desperation can cause us to worry and begin to “beg” for the people to help us.

   I was travelling once with the radio on and heard a minister (I don’t recall who) state:  “It’s that time again. Once a year we come to you and ask for your support for this ministry for the next year.  You won’t hear us ask again until next year.  By your support and the grace of God, this ministry has met it’s obligations by trusting his people for their generosity.  Thank you”.  I have never forgotten this message.  It is one we should all emmulate as we progress in our ministry.

   Remember, it is our ministry (Yours, your supporters and GOD’S).  Without any one of these factors, there would be no ministry.  God leads you to serve and He leads his people, your supporters, to give.
Don Francisco wrote and performed a song called “The Steeple Song”.  Listen to this song below.  

   After listening, remember the words?  What you need is love and truth and men are gonna come to you”.

What you need is love and truth and men are gonna come to you!

by Don Francisco


The Steeple Song    



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